Project Marketing

Real Estate Intelligent

The most comprehensive professional real estate sales and marketing provider in Canada. 

Where to Find Us

We are on a mission to become Canada’s undisputed leader in real estate sales. This journey has driven MLA Canada to build a presence in critical geographies across Canada to better serve our clients and connect with homebuyers in their respective communities. 

Who We Are

Collaborative and customer-obsessed, we are a multidisciplinary real estate sales and marketing agency striving to accelerate project success and reach for our clients. We believe the future of real estate is fundamentally human. With relationships at our foundation, our team creates sales platforms of influence from boutique developments to mixed-use masterplan communities.  

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Partners we have worked with

MLA Canada offers an unmatched depth and breadth of market resources tailored to each client and project. 

What We Do

Building on decades of experience and partnerships across the industry, we oversee every stage of the development lifecycle. We strategize laterally across specialized teams, enabling seamless integration of Core Services for the projects we champion.


We've garnered $14B in sales to date.


We've advised, marketed and sold over 425 projects across Canada.


We've successfully sold over 31,000 homes on behalf of our partners.


We operate our comprehensive services in 5 major markets across Canada.


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Our Projects

From boutique developments to masterplan communities - across the Lower Mainland, the Okanagan and Calgary. Take a look at our active and upcoming projects.